tHE MATERIAL CREATED HERE ARE SIMPLE SPOKEN WORDS WHICH WILL ENRICH THOSE WHO HEAR,.. AND FOR THOSE WHO CAN SEE TO READ WITH THEIR SPIRIT. It is not a play on any words, nor is it any deep or heavy laden thoughts. It merely announces some truth and purely defined thoughts--- from a man who has lived and never learned to not forgive any profane memory which rummaged the closet of said head.

Enjoy, as you employ what is said. Just remember that unless they speak to you, then you could be dead... from spiritual growth of your own accord... man these memoirs are given from m'LORD. Just as I thought, some may turn away, will it be you... and why?------ because you may be afraid of learning a truth which you already knew, but hid from it for ages while hopeing it would vanish like a morning dew-----in the spring when the soun's not too hot.... well I'll tell ya bro... if you gave it much thought, you will realize HE is all you have got !